Welcome Facebook visitors! To post a picture you must be a member of our forum, it's easy to sign up. Just click the "Register" link at the top left of the page!
Post a hi-res pic of your Cruze and have it added to the rotating images on the top and bottom of our forum design! We will take the best images posted by the first 25 members and make your Cruze pic famous
Example, your Cruze picture will rotate upon page refresh with other members' pictures where you see the stock images now!
The only rules are:
The Cruze picture you submit must be your own and not taken from google or another website.
The picture must be of the car only, and we prefer high quality photo resolutions so the pictures look nice
Thanks guys and Welcome to Cruze Forumz!
Post a hi-res pic of your Cruze and have it added to the rotating images on the top and bottom of our forum design! We will take the best images posted by the first 25 members and make your Cruze pic famous
Example, your Cruze picture will rotate upon page refresh with other members' pictures where you see the stock images now!

The only rules are:
The Cruze picture you submit must be your own and not taken from google or another website.
The picture must be of the car only, and we prefer high quality photo resolutions so the pictures look nice
Thanks guys and Welcome to Cruze Forumz!