I'm Cruze-n


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My name is Tom. I live in Maine. I just traded in my '02 Trailblazer for a used '12 Cruze 1LT two days ago. So far, I love it. I've heard great things about it. As a Trailblazer owner, I found a forum whose members provided a wealth of knowledge and information. Therefore, I was very pleased when I found this forum here. Who knows better about cars than the people who drive them daily?

I do have a question I'm hoping someone could answer for me. While checking out all the features I came across "Navigation" from the menu button on the turn signal arm. Is this the OnStar Directions and Connections navigation, eNav, or something different? I was looking through the owners manual in the Infotainment section and it mentioned for Navigation/Radio systems, see the separate navigation manual. Because this was a used car, it didn't come with the Navigation manual. If this is a separate navigation system from the OnStar Nav, then that would just be one more check in the Pro column for this car. Any info would be greatly appreciated.



New member
Welcome to the Forum Tom. My Cruze is fairly new to me also (four months) and I've been meaning to look into the navigation feature as well. I came across it the same way you did.

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