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...GM engineer, Ms. Ellen Shirley Schwartz, PhD, is one of the researchers who developed the GM patent (#6,327,900 B1, dated 11-Dec-2001):
...the flow chart in Fig. 2 explains which parameters the OLM monitors and measures. Basically, there are three controlling parameters: the engine revolutions, the oil temperature, and the oil contamination:
• the oil "temperature (T) equation" used in the program is:
T(o) = k(2) + k(3)*S(e) + k(4)*T(c) + k(5)*F(q) - k(6)*T(a) ± k(7)*V(s)
S(e) = engine rotational speed, rpm
T(c) = coolant temperature, ºC
F(q) = fuel quantity, cubic-millimeters-per-cylinder
T(a) = air intake temperature, ºC
V(s) = vehicle speed, mph
k(2) = constant (-9.0 *)
k(3) = constant (0.012 *)
k(4) = constant (0.95 *)
k(5) = constant (0.21 *)
k(6) = constant (0.001 *)
k(7) = constant (0.01 *)
• the oil "contamination (C) equation" used in the program is:
C = k(8) + k(9)*I(t) + k(10)*F(q) + k(11)*T(o) + k(12)*S(e)
I(t) = fuel injection timing, degrees crank angle
F(q) = fuel injection quantity, cubic-millimeters-per-cylinder
T(o) = calculated oil temperature, ºC
S(e) = engine rotational speed, rpm
k(8) = constant (-2.7 *)
k(9) = constant (0.2 *)
k(10) = constant (0.03 *)
k(11) = constant (0.02 *)
k(12) = constant (0.001 *)
* = derived values for GM 6.6L V8 diesel test engine.
Thus, contrary to what Mr. Bob-the-Oil-Guy said, GM is actually tracking "calculated" oil contamination--not its ZDDP content--with the OLM...at least, as stated in their 2001 US Patent.
...the flow chart in Fig. 2 explains which parameters the OLM monitors and measures. Basically, there are three controlling parameters: the engine revolutions, the oil temperature, and the oil contamination:
• the oil "temperature (T) equation" used in the program is:
T(o) = k(2) + k(3)*S(e) + k(4)*T(c) + k(5)*F(q) - k(6)*T(a) ± k(7)*V(s)
S(e) = engine rotational speed, rpm
T(c) = coolant temperature, ºC
F(q) = fuel quantity, cubic-millimeters-per-cylinder
T(a) = air intake temperature, ºC
V(s) = vehicle speed, mph
k(2) = constant (-9.0 *)
k(3) = constant (0.012 *)
k(4) = constant (0.95 *)
k(5) = constant (0.21 *)
k(6) = constant (0.001 *)
k(7) = constant (0.01 *)
• the oil "contamination (C) equation" used in the program is:
C = k(8) + k(9)*I(t) + k(10)*F(q) + k(11)*T(o) + k(12)*S(e)
I(t) = fuel injection timing, degrees crank angle
F(q) = fuel injection quantity, cubic-millimeters-per-cylinder
T(o) = calculated oil temperature, ºC
S(e) = engine rotational speed, rpm
k(8) = constant (-2.7 *)
k(9) = constant (0.2 *)
k(10) = constant (0.03 *)
k(11) = constant (0.02 *)
k(12) = constant (0.001 *)
* = derived values for GM 6.6L V8 diesel test engine.
Thus, contrary to what Mr. Bob-the-Oil-Guy said, GM is actually tracking "calculated" oil contamination--not its ZDDP content--with the OLM...at least, as stated in their 2001 US Patent.
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